Mats Lindström
works as as a composer and a musician, often with strains of live-electronics. With a background as technician in electronics industry he has constructed unique electronical musical instruments. He often works with intermedia, scenic elements and visual arts as a complement to the music, and he has worked both with music for theatre and dance. He has been a member of the Fylkingen society for new music and intermedia since the eighties. He worked as producer for the Fylkingen society 1992-95 and as President 1998-2000. During 2002-2003 he worked as festival coordinator for the "reborned" Stockholm New Music festival. In 2004 he became the Studio Director of the EMS, Institute for Electroacoustic Music in Sweden.
About EMS
Since 1964, EMS (Electroacoustic music in Sweden) is the centre for Swedish electroacoustic music. EMS is run as an independant part of Rikskonserter and is led by a studio director who is assisted by an artistic board consisting of four composers.
EMS’ aim is to support artistic development within electroacoustic music and its integration within other artistic areas. Besides making professional studios available for the production of electroacoustic music, EMS initiates seminars, puts out CDs, arranges scenic productions and festivals, commissions new works, runs courses in electroacoustic composition with Folkuniversitet, and a two-year part-time course on its own. EMS also offers continuation courses for professionals. EMS represents electroacoustic music from Sweden in various international contexts and sees as one of its main tasks to act as an informer, both nationally and internationally.
The artists who work at EMS have different educational backgrounds. Besides traditional music training at the colleges of music they also come from the art schools and the radio production course at the University College of Film, Radio, Television and Theatre Stockholm. The EMS training programme is complete meaning that you can take the introduction course without any preliminary knowledge, then go through the entire range of courses and attain a professional level.
Foreign composers regularly come to EMS to work and may be granted a working period by submitting a project application according to the same conditions that Swedish composers are subject to. Five to six international composers/sonic artists per year visit EMS to work there. Courses for professionals can be about such varied subjects as the introduction of a new software, soldering techniques or how to handle a loudspeaker system at a concert.
EMS also runs projects of general interest which targeted to all age groups from the age of 4 and upwards.
EMS has great educational width and tradition and works to ensure the conservation, development and the renewal of the Swedish cultural heritage in this area.