Studio per viola ed elettronica live
“ Il sonno di Atys ” is a study based on the viola’s polyphonic possibilities through a live treatment, in accordance with the project of an evolution made by stratification and accumulation of echoes and traces left by a complex and virtuosic monodic writing. By a revision of the dramaturgic plan of the Atys of Lully, takes place a micro-opera divided in three different formal panels or scenes.
L’Animato sotterraneo, “Troubler le silence”, is a ricercare. Following a tightened tactus the violist, travels over the traces left on the instrument by his own passage, according to a monochromatic monody that electronics harmonizes in accordance with several fugate perspectives, tending to obtain skids into the temporal bearing. In the Ad Agio profondo “Sangaride”, the viola sings the hypothetic aria of Sangaride who suffers the continuous changes of mood of Atys. The melody is an elaborated diminuzione of an ascending slow chromatic scale, in counterpoint with the delayed echoes of some live analysed partials. In Immobile “Le sommeil” the sleep of Atys is realistically represented. The viola changes into a living organ that slows down it’s beat and enter the deep and rhythmic breath typical of the sleep. The sleep is disturbed by a myriad of bruitistes micro-cadences which represent the good and fatal presences. The sleep is internal the viola (and the violist) and it’s dreams are about the imaginary of it’s perceptions.Lucia Ronchetti
1987 Diploma Composition; Diploma Electronic Music, Conservatorio of S.Cecilia Rome
1987 Master, University of Rome “La Sapienza”, Rome, Italy.
Thesis: “The Application of Analytic Methodologies to the Orchestral Works
of Bruno Maderna”.
1991 Diplôme d'Études Approfondies (D.E.A.), University of Paris I-Sorbonne, Paris, France.
1993-96 Composition courses with Gérard Grisey in Paris.
1996-97 Annual computer music courses at IRCAM.
1999 Composition courses with Salvatore Sciarrino.
2000 Doctorate, École Pratique des Hautes Studes en Sorbonne, Paris, France.
Thesis: “The Analysis of the Orchestral Music During the Late XIX Century
in France”.
2000-2001 Academie Schloss Solitude residence, Stuttgart, Germany.
2003 The MacDowell Colony residence, Peterborough, NH, USA.
2003-2004 Staatsoper of Stuttgart composer in residence (Forum Neues Musiktheater)
2004-2005 Visiting Scholar, Columbia University Music Department, New York.
2005 Fulbright Fellowship, New York.
2005-2006 DAAD Fellowship, Berlin.
1986 Academic scholarship, Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Paris, France.
1987 International Budapest Composition Contest, Budapest, Hungary.
1988-1992 Study grant, Italian Ministry of University and Scientific Research, Rome, Italy.
1992 Commission for a radiophonic opera, Rai Radio Uno, Rome, Italy.
1993 Foundation Nadia Boulanger Prize, Paris, France.
1993 Commande d’État, French Ministry of Culture, Paris, France.
1993 Münchener Biennale commission for a Puppet Theater work, München, Germany.
1994 Commission for a chamber orchestra work, Radio France, Paris, France.
1995 Commission from O.R.T. for orchestral work, Florence, Italy.
1995 Progetto Dionysos. Special support Musica 2000, Italian Ministry of Culture,
Rome, Italy.
1996 Commission for a harp and voice Lied, G.O.G., Genova, Italy.
1996 Selected for the annual computer music courses at the IRCAM, Paris, France.
1996 Commission from the French Ministry of Culture for a CD-ROM opera,
Paris, France.
1997 Des Treilles Foundation Prize, Paris, France.
1997 Dimitri Mitroupoulos International Competition Prize, Athens, Greece.
1997 Prize winner, Italian Ministry of the Foreign Affairs, Paris, France.
1998 Commande d’État, for a solo voice and orchestra work, French Ministry of Culture,
Paris, France.
2000 Federazione Cemat Competition Prize for a chamber opera, Rome, Italy.
2000 Commande d’État, for the Court-Circuit Ensemble, French Ministry of Culture,
Paris, France.
2000 Wittener Tagen Commission for the Neue Vocalsolisten, Witten, Germany.
2000 Akademie Schloss Solitude production for a chamber opera, Stuttgart, Germany.
2001 Commission WDR Sinfonieorchester, Köln, Germany.
2001 Commission Teatro La Fenice for a chamber opera, Venezia, Italy.
2002 Commission Neue Vocalsolisten/Arditti Quartett, Stuttgart, Germany.
2002 Commission Radio France/Festival Presence, Paris, France.
2003 Commission Experimental Studio of the SWR, Freiburg, Germany.
2003 Commission for a chamber opera from the Staatsoper of Stuttgart, Germany.
2004 Norton Stevens Fellowship, The MacDowell Colony, Peterborough, NH, USA.
2004 Commission Orchestra Rai of Torino, Italy.
2005 Commission Ensemble Recherche, Freiburg.
2006 Commission Chamber Saison Bayerische Staatsoper, Muenchen.
2006 Commission Kulturveranstaltungen des Bundes, Technischen Universität, Berlin.
2005 Commission Ensemble 2E2M-Neue Vocalsolisten, Paris.
Invited for research projects concerning computer music:
1995 Studio Muse en Circuit, Paris, France.
1997 Elektronisches Studio der Technischen Universität, Berlin, Germany.
1999 Studio für Elektroakustische Musik der Akademie der Künste, Berlin, Germany.
1999 G.R.M. of Radio France, Paris, France.
2000 Elektronisches Studio de la Musik-Akademie-Basel, Switzerland.
2003 Heinrich-Strobel-Stiftung/SWR, Freiburg, Germany.
2005 Elektronisches Studio der Technischen Universität, Berlin, Germany.
Original compositions
Performed live in Italy and in other countries.
Broadcasted by several European radio stations.
Published by Lemoine (Paris), Edipan (Roma), B.M.G., Ricordi (Milano), Durand (Paris) and Rai Trade(Roma).
Recorded on CD by Edipan, R.C.A., Sincronie, Fonit Cetra/Musica Realtà, WDR/Wittener Tagen, Stradivarius.