East (from Atlas) (2007) 17:00
Christian Calon
Based on an idea of cartography, the Atlas project, in its final form will be a spatial installation. Musically, it is an hommage to man's creative enterprise which consists into probing the unknown with the help of sound making instruments and then to turn ephemeral impressions into imperishable creations.
This part of Atlas, East, was realized first as a concert version. The composition and the spatialization followed the concept of soundfield, which a WFS excels at reproducing. All sounds were generated as correlated multitrack objects to be placed and spatialized as small constellations in this larger sound field, in order to create a multi-directional space for the listener.
The music is based on the sounds of traditional music instruments from the Far Eastern regions of the Earth.
The realization of East was made possible with a commission from the Inventionen Festival/DAAD, Berlin, and the Canada Council. I am very grateful to these institutions whom I warmly thank for triggering and supporting this stage of the large Atlas project.
In its final spatial installation form, Atlas will stage several parallel maps:
* in sound, it is a tribute to the creative enterprises of man in probing the unknown with the help of his musical instruments
* as a silent and virtual monument, the projected bodyscape images will present as another cartography, a surround topography of skins and faces of mankind in its richness and diversity
* at the same time projected texts appearing on or around the bodyscapes, will draw and list an underlying world map of Infamies, acts of hate, violence and power, perpetrated by man on his fellow man.
See also ''North`` in the Tesla concert
His first works emerged in Canada and soon brought him international attention. In 1989-90 he acted as vice-president for the CEC. In 1991 he was appointed to the musical direction of the GMEM (France) and in 1995, as a guest of the DAAD, he went to Berlin where he lived for several years.
His concert works, sound installation or radio projects have all in common the exploration of the listening experience. The conception of sound shapes projection and the importance of listening contexts are at the heart of his creative research leading to a on-going process of investigation of new technologies. In parallel, he pursues his reflection on the narrative forms through writing and composing for the radio medium.
His work is performed worldwide and received honors in major international competitions: 2006 - Prix Opus, Quebec, 2004 - Represents Canada at the World New Music Days (Switzerland), 2003 - Distinction at the International CIMESP competition (Brasil), Selection of the Confluencias International Competition (Spain); 2001 - Grand Prix Phonurgia Nova International (France); 1999 - Grand Prix Marulic of the UER/EBU (European Broadcasting Union); 1997 - Distinction at Prix Ars Electronica (Austria); 1996 - Lynch-Staunton Prize, Canada Council (Canada); 1995 - Distinction at Prix Ars Electronica (Austria); 1995 - Berlin DAAD guest (Germany); 1994 - 2nd Prize, Bourges International Competition (France); 1991 - 2nd Prize, NEWCOMP International Computer Music Competition (USA); 1989 - 1st Prize, Bourges International Competition (France); 1989 - Canada representation at the World Music Days ISCM (France); 1988 - 2nd Prize, NEWCOMP International Computer Music Competition (USA); 1985 - 1st Prize, Luigi Russolo International Competition (Italy)
His first solo CD "Ligne de vie" (IMED 9001) was proposed for the 1990 Grammy Awards (USA) and the second CD "Les corps éblouis" (IMED 9838) was nominated for the album of the year at the 1998 Opus Awards (Canada). His music is published on the Empreintes DIGITALes label (Montreal) and also appears on various labels (coming:: The Ulysses project, surround DVD).
A free-lance artist, he now lives in Montreal.
Part of the WFS-Loop: Thursday, Friday: 13h00-17h00, Saturday: 15h00-18h00, Sunday: 16h00-18h00