(CD and LP) |
(Column "Name")
ad hoc Group | ad hoc: Miller, Rivest (Abdelali, Cale, Miller, Rivest) |
AfEM | Arbeitsgruppe für Elektronische Musik TU Berlin: Boris Blacher, Rüdiger Rüfer, Fritz Winckel, Manfred Krause |
Brno Group | Ruzicka, Berg, Istvan, Parsch, Pinos, Stedron |
CECG/GEC | Kevin Austin; Jill Bedoukian; Shawn Bell; Pierre Bouchard; Eric Brown; Jean-François Denis; Daniel Feist; Dave Lindsay; Pierre Olivier; Jean Séguin; James Tallon; Robert Tzopa; John Wells (Montréal) |
Denam Group | Bracha Eden, Alexander Tamir |
DEZIBEL | Hampi, Senra, Tomat, Philadelphy |
Gentle Fire | Richard Bernas, Hugh Davies, Patrick Harrex, Graham Hearn, Stuart Jones, Richard Orton |
GMEM Group | Bertolina, Boeuf, Calon, Diennet, Fremiot, Redolfi, Royon Le Mee |
Klangfach 6 | Nico Beuermann, Golo Föllmer, Roland Frank, Beate Lotze, Sabine Schneider, Dirk Schwibbert |
Klangwerkstatt | Frank Michael Beyer, Jeff Bossin, Peter Castine, Folkmar Hein, Berndt Heller, Gerhard Klemke, Erwin Koch-Raphael |
Sonde | Charles de Mestral; Pierre Dostie; Chris Howard; Robin Minard, Andrew Culver |
MIM Group | Gobin, Formosa, Malbosc, Challalau |
Musica Elettronica Viva (MEV) | Bertoncini, Bryant, Chiari, Curran, Gelmetti, Heinemann, Phetteplace, Rzewski, Teitelbaum, Vandor |
ProTon Group | Ilkka Toiviainen, Mikko Laakso, Agnieszka Waligorska, Pekka Sirén |
(column "F.")
#Groups, Names | #Genres | #Editions, Publishers | #Musical-, Instruments | #Studios | #Countries | #Labels (CD and LP) |
AV Video B Ballet C Concert (tape only) * suffix "live electronics" + suffix "tape(s) included" F Film I Intermedia MT Music Theatre O Opera P Performance R Radiophonic Work SA Sound Art, sound sculpture, sound installation etc. score computer generated score (sometimes related to classical instrumentation) Sn Background music, exhibition music St Study Th Theatre Music TV Television, Video / (slash) means "and - or"
depending to Column "Notes", starting with prefix "e."
#Groups, Names | #Genres | #Editions, Publishers | #Musical-, Instruments | #Studios | #Countries | #Labels (CD and LP) |
Bo&Ha | Boosey & Hawkes |
Br&Hä | Breitkopf & Härtel |
Feedb | Feedback- Studio - Verlag Köln |
INFOGRAM | CD's by the Swedish Music Information Center (SMIC) |
M-C-Mon | Marie-Claude (Montréal, Québec) |
MuGal | Music Gallery Editions (Toronto) |
Séducson | Séducson, (Montréal, Québec) |
Shelan | Shelan Publications (Montréal, Québec) |
UE{-L} | Universal Edition {London} |
(valid for columns "Instr.", "Notes"; "Label")
#Groups, Names | #Genres | #Editions, Publishers | #Musical-, Instruments | #Studios | #Countries | #Labels (CD and LP) |
A | alto (voice) | a- | alto (instrument prefix) |
ad lib | ad libitum | amp | amplified, amplfier |
arr. | arranged by, arrangement | B | bass (Voice) |
b- | bass (instrument prefix) | Bar | baritone (voice) |
bar- | baritone (instrument prefix) | bn | bassoon |
br | brass | ch | choir |
choreo | Choreography | cl | clarinet |
clvd | clavichord | com | computer |
comm | commission, commissioned | comp | competition, award |
con | controlled, controller | Ct | Countertenor |
db | doublebass | dig | digital |
DSP | Digital Signal Processing, - processed | e- | electric, electronic (instrument prefix) |
e. | edition | ehn | english horn |
elec | electronic, electric | ens | ensemble |
fem | female | fl | flute |
gen | generator, generated | gui | guitar |
harm | harmonizer | hn | horn |
hp | harp | hpd | harpsichord |
ins | instrument | int | international |
ISPW | IRCAM musical workstation | kbd | keyboard |
LS | Loudspeaker | M | Music, Musik, musica, musique,.. |
mar | marimba^ | mdl | mandoline |
Mez | Mezzo-Soprano | mic | Microphone |
MTR | Mixturtrautonium | mul | multiple |
mus | musician(s) | mx | mixed |
nat | national | no | Number |
ob | oboe | OMa | Ondes Martenot |
op. | opus | orch | orchestra, orchestrated (by) |
org | organ | p | piano |
perc | percussion | perf | performance, performed by |
pic | piccolo | prep | prepared (mostly means perp p) |
proc | processed | qnt | quintet |
qt | quartet | rec | recorder (flute) |
rev | revision, revisioned | rm | ring modulator |
s | plural (suffix) | s | soprano (instrument prefix) |
S | soprano (voice) | s: | pointer to other authors, composers means "see") |
sax | saxophone | seq | sequencer |
sm | sampler | sol | soloist |
sp | speaker, recitor | str | string(s) |
Synlab | analog synthesizer | synt | synthesizer |
t | tenor (instrument prefix) | T | Tenor (voice) |
Th | Theatre | tim | timpano(i) |
tpt | trumpet | tr | treble (instrument) |
trbn | trombone | txtcompo | text sound composition, audio-poem, ... |
V | singing voice | v | voice |
va | viola | vc | cello |
vib | vibraphone | vn | violin |
w, w- | wind instrument | ww | woodwind |
xyl | xylophone | var | variable |
(Column Studio)
#Groups, Names | #Genres | #Editions, Publishers | #Musical-, Instruments | #Studios | #Countries | #Labels (CD and LP) |
A. | Akademie, Academia, Academy | A.Filarm Roma | Accademia Filarmonica Roma |
ABC | Australian Broadcast Corporation | AdK | Akademie der Künste |
AdW | Akademie der Wissenschaft | AESt | Art Ear Studios San Francisco |
Am.A. Roma | American Academy Roma | ARD | Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Rundfunkanstalten Deutschlands |
B.Aires | Buenos Aires | BBC | BBC Radiophonic workshop |
BC | British Columbia | BR | Bayerischer Rundfunk (München / Nürnberg) |
C. | Centre, Zentrum, centro, É(see PS C. !) | CalArts | California Institut of Arts |
CBC | Canadian Broadcasting Corporation | CCRMA | Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics |
CEÉ | Center ÉelectroniqueÉ, Center ÉexperimentalÉ | CNR | Conservatoire National de Région |
CNRS | Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique | Col.Princ EMC | Columbia - Princeton Electronic Music Center |
Coll | College | Con | Conservatory, Conservatoire, É |
CRÉ | Center ÉResearch É | EMS | Electronic music studio (Stockholm) |
ESt | Estúdio | ExpÉ | experimentalÉ |
Gal | Gallery | GMÉ | GroupÉ musiqueÉ |
HfM | Hochschule für Musik | HR | Hessischer Rundfunk |
Inst | Institut, Instituto,É | INÉ | Institut National É |
IRÉ | Institut ÉRechercheÉ | LA | Los Angeles |
Lab | Laboratory | LM- | LaboratorioÉMusicÉ |
M. | Music, Musik, MusicaÉ | MIT | Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
NDR | Norddeutscher Rundfunk (Hamburg / Hannover) | NHK | Nippon Hoso Kyokai |
NOS | Nederlandse Omroe programma Stichting | NoTAM | Norwegian network for Technology, Acoustics and Music |
NRU | Nederlandsche Radio Unie | NWDR | Nordwestdeutscher Rundfunk |
NY | New York | ON | Ontario |
ORF | Österreichischer Rundfunk | PS | Private Studio |
PS C. | PS of the Composer | RB | Radio Bremen |
RCM | Royal College of Music | Rio | Rio de Janeiro |
RNE | Radio Nacional de España | SanFran | San Francisco |
Sch | School | Sem, Stem | Studio ÉElec É Music |
SFU | Simon Fraser University | St | Studio |
SUNY | State University of New York | TIP | Theater im Palast (Berlin) |
TU | Technische Universität | UCÉ | Univerity of California |
UEA | University of East Anglia | UIUC | Univerity of Illinois at Urbana Champaigne |
UIÉ | Univerity of Illinois | Uni | Univerity |
UTEMS | University of Toronto Electronic Music Studio | VEB | Volkseigener Betrieb |
WDR | Westdeutscher Rundfunk | ZKM | Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie (Karlsruhe) |
(international registration; Work quantity)
(The numbers refer to the works produced in this country; please mention, that many pieces have multiple studio- and country-info)
#Groups, Names | #Genres | #Editions, Publishers | #Musical-, Instruments | #Studios | #Countries | #Labels (CD and LP) |
A | Austria / Österreich |
AUS | Australia |
B | Belgium |
BG | Bulgaria |
BIH | Bosnien-Herzegowina |
BR | Brasil |
C | Cuba |
CDN | Canada |
CH | Switzerland |
CO | Columbia |
CSSR | Czechoslovakia |
CZ | Czech Republic |
D | Germany |
DDR | German Democratic Republic |
DK | Denmark |
E | España, Spain |
EST | Esthonia, Estland |
F | France |
GB, (UK) | Great Britain |
GR | Greece |
H | Hungary |
HK | Hongkong |
HR | Croatia |
I | Italy |
IL | Israel |
IRL | Ireland |
IS | Iceland |
J | Japan |
LT | Lithuvia |
MEX | Mexico |
N | Norway |
NL | the Netherlands |
NZ | New Zealand |
P | Portugal |
PE | Peru |
PL | Poland |
RA | Argentina |
RCH | Chile |
RO | Rumania |
ROU | Uruguay |
RUS | Russia |
S | Sweden |
SF | Finland |
SK | Slovak Republik |
SU | Soviet Uniion |
USA | United States of America |
YU | Yugoslavia |
YV | Venezuela |
ZA | South Africa |
other Information:
PS C. | private studio of the composer |
PS | all private studio productions |
works without studio information |
... | works with studio information |
(Column Notes; Label)
#Groups, Names | #Genres | #Editions, Publishers | #Musical-, Instruments | #Studios | #Countries | #Labels (CD and LP) |
ABAN | AB | ACA | academy / Edel Hamburg (Label der AdK Berlin) |
ACC | Accord / Paris | AER | Nonsequitur, The Aerial, a journal in sound |
ALB | Albedo | Arch | Arch Records |
ART | Artifact Recordings, Berkeley | AuGR | Audioscope, Geometrik Madrid |
BAR | Bauta Records, Sweden | BF | Buschfunk Berlin |
BIS | Grammofon AB BIS, Sweden | C&C | Collectif & Cie |
Can | Candide | CAP | Caprice, Sweden |
Cav | Cavallino | CCD | Continuum |
CDY | Yleisradio Helsinki | CL | celia Records Paris |
CMJ | Computer Music Journal | Colos | Collosseum |
CRC | Centaur Record | Cri | Composers Records Inc |
CRM | Ricordi | CRMCD | Ricordi / CD |
CSR | Cambridge Street Records | CTH | Thorofon |
CV | Composer's Voice / Donemus Amsterdam | DegeM | Deutsche Gesell-schaft für Elektro-akustische Musik |
DF | Delta Records Amsterdam E.F.C | DG | Deutsche Grammophon |
DSO | Oiseau Lyre | EBU | European Broadcast Union, Selection |
ECD | EAR Rational Berlin | ECE | Electrocord Bukarest |
ECM | ECM Records München | EDRZ | Edition Robert Zank, Berlin |
EPML | Experimentalstudio Scherchen | ERA | Erato France |
eSP | éditions Shelan publications | ESZ | Sugar Music / RCA Italiana |
FACD | Finlandia Helsinki | FENO | fennica Helsinki |
Finna | Finnadar Records NY | FOCD | fontec Records Tokyo |
FTS | Folkways Records | FYLP / FYCD | Fylkingen Stockholm |
GMEB | Group Musique Experimentale de Bourges | GMEM | Group Musique Experimentale Marseille |
GMVL | Group de Musique Vivantes de Lyon | GU-LP | Generations Unlimited Boston, NY, Berlin |
HdK | Hochschule der Künste Berlin | Hel | Heliodor |
Hem | Hemisferio, Madrid | HM | Harmonia Mundi |
HPK | Hans Peter Kuhn | HUN | Hungaroton Budapest |
IMED | Diffusion i MéDIA Montréal, empreintes DIGITALes | IMS | Private edition Germany |
IMSO | sonart, marque de Diffusion i MéDIA Montréal | INFOGRAMM | Info-CD of the Swedish Music Information Center |
IRCAM | Publication IRCAM Paris | ISAST | Int Society for Art, Sciences and Technology |
Jase | Jasemusiikki Oy, Helsinki | JTR | Justin Time Records inc. |
K&R | Klang & Raum | Kst | Stockhausenverlag |
LD | Microsillon BAM Paris | LDC | Cultures Électroniques : GMEB / UNESCO / CIME |
LM | Lovely Music NY | LMCD | Kojima Recordings, Tokyo / ICMC 1993 |
MEC | la muse en circuit | MGCB | Magison, Cycle Bayle |
MO | Disques Montaigne, Montaigne auvidis | MS | Columbia, Music of our Time |
MSC | Muse, Korea | MV | Musica Verticale Roma |
MW | Musicworks Canada | NA | New Alboin |
Nerve | Nerve Records (Halifax) | NI | Nimbus |
nor | Prix Noroit | ODE | ONDINE Finland |
PAN | Edipan Rom | PAR | Poly Art Records France |
PM | Producciones Mañana | PRDC | ICMC 1992 San José |
PS | Phono Sueca | PSCD | Phono Sueca / CD |
ReCDec | RecRec Genossenschaft Zürich | RIC | Ricercara |
S2K | Sony classical | SBC&M | Sociedade Brasileira Computaçao |
SoN | Son Nova | SR | Silent Records Sweden |
ST | Sistrum Brasilia | SUA | Supraphon Prag |
TE | Trace Elements | TRD | Tronia Toronto |
TV | Turnabout Vox |
last Modification: 1.3.2005, Hein