Publikationen der ehemaligen C1-Mitarbeiter

Bernhard Feiten e.a.:

  1. B. Feiten, M. Krause, W.Schaller (1983): Vereinfachung des Eidophonie-Verfahrens zur Abbildung räumlicher Schallfelder. Fernseh- und Kinotechnik. Vol. 9, S. 363-367.
  2. B. Feiten (1987): Beurteilung von FFT-Codierungsverfahren durch kritische Testsignale. DPG-DAGA, Bad Honnef.
  3. T. Ungvary, B. Feiten, S. Waters (1989): Experimental Computer Music Expert System for the Research of Expert Systems and for Composition. KACOR, KTH Stockholm.
  4. B. Feiten (1989): Spectral properties of audio signals and masking with aspect to bit data reduction. 86 th. Conv.of the AES, Hamburg, Preprint Nr.2795.
  5. B. Feiten (1990): Beurteilung von Quellencodierungsverfahren für Audiosignale bei Berücksichtigung der Verdeckungseigenschaften des Gehörs. Dissertation TU-Berlin.
  6. H. Petersen, B. Feiten, L. Wiglinski (1990): Optimierung von Transformations-Codierungs-Verfahren durch adaptive Fensterlängen. DPG-DAGA, Bad Honnef.
  7. B. Feiten, H. Becker (1990): Analyse-/Synthese-Verfahren zur Modellierung von Klängen. DPG-DAGA, Bad Honnef.
  8. B. Feiten, T. Ungvary (1990): Sound Data Base Using Spectral Analysis Reduction and an Additive Synthesis Model. Proc. of the ICMC. Glasgow.
  9. B. Feiten, R. Frank, T. Ungvary (1991): Organisation of Sounds with Neural Nets. Proc. of the ICMC. Montreal.
  10. B. Feiten, S. Günzel (1993): A Sound Retrieval Index based on Two Dimensional Similarity Maps. 94th Conv. of the AES , Berlin,F1-10, April 93.
  11. B. Feiten, S. Günzel (1993): Distance Measure for the Organisation of Sounds. Acustia. Vol. 78. No. 3, pp. 181 - 184.
  12. B. Feiten (1993): Sound Feature Maps as a Control for Timbre Space. Decime Mitteilungen 11.
  13. F. Hein, B. Feiten (1993) The "Elektronische Studio" of the Technical; University of Berlin. Proc. of the ICMC pp.318. Tokio.
  14. B. Feiten, S. Günzel (1994): Automatic Indexing of a Sound Database Using Self-organizing Neural Nets. Computer Music Journal. Vol. 18, No. 3, pp. 53-65. MIT Press.
  15. B. Feiten, M. Spitzer (1994): A Modular Construction Set for Time-Domain Editors. Proc. of the ICMC 94, pp.284-285
  16. B. Feiten, G. Behles (1994): Organizing the parameter space of physical models with sound feature maps. Proc. of the ICMC 94, pp. 398-401.
  17. B. Feiten, K. Lebkücher und B. Schönhaar (1995): Eternal Machine. DEGEM-Mitteilungen 17.
  18. B. Feiten, Th. Ochs (1996): Messung der Rausch-Ruhehörschwelle zur gehörrichtigen Bewertung breitbandiger Störungen. DPG DAGA, Bad Honnef.
  19. M. Kurz, B. Feiten (1996): Physical Modelling of a stiff string by numerical integration. Proc. of the ICMC 96.
  20. B. Feiten (1996): Pseudo-stereo and surround-sound by matched FIR-filters. Vortrag zur 100. AES Convention, Kopenhagen, Preprint Nr.4222.
  21. B. Feiten (1996): Sound Information Technology Research Group. Eds. F. Gertich, J. Gerlach, G. Föllmer. Musik ... verwandelt. Das Elektronische Studio der TU-Berlin, 1953-1995, pp. 313-318, Wolke-Verlag
  22. B. Feiten (1997): Measuring the Coding Margin of perceptual codecs with the difference signal.
    Vortrag zur 102. AES Convention, München (Mai 1997), Preprint Nr. 4417.
  23. J. Langner, R. Kopiez und B. Feiten (1998): Perception and representation of multiple tempo hierarchies in musical performance and composition: Perspectives from a new theoretical approach, Eds. R. Kopiez W. Auhagen: Controlling creative processes in music. Band 12., S 13-35, Verlag Peter Lang.

Axel Röbel e.a. (publications in reverse chronological order)

Refereed publications

    • A. Röbel, M. Zivanavic and X.Rodet: Signal decomposition by means of classification of spectral peaks, Proc. Int. Computer Music Conference (ICMC'04), pp, Miami, 2004.
    • C. Yeh and A. Röbel: A new score function for joint evaluation of multiple F0 hypothesis, Proc. of the 7th Int. Conf. on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx'04),pp. , Naples, 2004.
    • A. Röbel: A new approach to transient processing in the phase vocoder, Proc. of the 6th Int. Conf. on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx'03), pp.344-349, London, 2003.
    • A. Röbel: Transient detection and preservation in the phase vocoder, Proc. Int. Computer Music Conference (ICMC'03), pp.247-250, Singapore, 2003.
    • L. Girin, S. Marchand, J. di Martino, A. Röbel and G. Peeters: Comparing the order of a polynomial phase model for the synthesis of quasi harmonic audio signals, Proc. of the IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics (WASPAA'03), pp. ??, New York, 2003.
    • E. Vincent, C. F?votte,R. Gribonval, A. Röbel, X. Rodet, E. L. Carpentier, L. Benaroya, F. Bimbot: A Tentative Typology of Audio Source Separation Tasks, Proc. 4th International Symposium on Independent Component Analysis and Blind Signal Separation (ICA2003), pp. 715-720, Nara, Japan, 2003.
    • M. Wright, J. Beauchamp, K. Fitz, X. Rodet, A. Röbel, X. Serra, G. Wakefield: Analysis/Synthesis Comparison,Organised Sound, Vol. 5, No. 3, pp. 173-189, 2002.
    • A. Röbel: Estimating partial frequency and frequency slope using reassignment operators, Proc. of the International Computer Music Conference (ICMC'02), pp. 122-125, Göteborg, 2002.
    • A. Röbel: Adaptive additive synthesis using spline based parameter trajectory models, Proc. of the International Computer Music Conference (ICMC'01), pp. 369-371, Havanna, 2001.
    • A. Röbel: Synthesizing Natural Sounds Using Dynamic Models of Sound Attractors, Computer Music Journal, Vol. 25, No. 2, pp.46-61, 2001.
    • A. Röbel: Adaptive Additive Synthesis of Sound, Proc. of the International Computer Music Conference (ICMC'99), pp.256-259, Bejing, 1999.
    • A. Röbel: Morphing Sound Attractors , Proc. of the 3rd. World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (SCI'99) and the 5th. Int'l Conference on Information Systems Analysis and Synthesis (ISAS'99), Florida, 1999.
    • A. Röbel: Minimum Entropy Blind Signal Deconvolution with Non Minimum Phase FIR Filters , Proc. of the 3rd. World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (SCI'99) and the 5th. Int'l Conference on Information Systems Analysis and Synthesis (ISAS'99), Florida, 1999.
    • A. Röbel: On Information Maximization and Blind Signal Deconvolution , Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN'99), Edinborough, 1999.
    • Gerhard Behles, Sascha Starke and Axel Röbel: Quasi-Synchronous and Pitch-Synchonous Granular Sound Processing with Stampede II. Computer Music Journal, Vol. 22, No. 2, pp.44-51, 1998.
    • Axel Röbel: Morphing Sound Dynamics. Proceedings of the 1998 International Conference on Neural Networks and Brain, Bejing, China, 1998.
    • Axel Röbel: Morphing Dynamical Sound Models. Proceedings of the 1998 IEEE Workshop on Neural Networks for Signal Processing VIII, Cambridge, England, pp. 409-418, 1998.
    • Axel Röbel: Neural Network Modeling of Speech and Music Signals. Neural Network Information Processing Systems 9, NIPS 96, Denver, 1996.
    • Axel Röbel: Scaling Properties of Neural Networks for the Prediction of Time Series. Proc. of the 1996 IEEE Workshop: Neural Networks for Signal Processing VI, pp. 190-200, 1996.
    • Axel Röbel: RBF Networks for Synthesis of Speech and Music Signals. 3. GI Workshop Fuzzy-Neuro-Systeme'95, TH Darmstadt, 1995. (read NIPS96 above)
    • Axel Röbel: Neural models for estimating Lyapunov exponents and embedding dimension from time series of nonlinear dynamical systems. Proceedings of the Intern. Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN'95), Paris, 1995.
    • Axel Röbel: Neural networks for modeling time series of musical instruments. Proceedings of the Intern. Computer Music Conference (ICMC), Banff, Canada, 1995.
    • Axel Röbel: Using neural models for analyzing time series of nonlinear dynamical systems. Proceedings of the 5th Intern. IMACS-Symposium on System Analysis and Simulation, Berlin, 1995.
    • Axel Röbel: Dynamic pattern selection: Effectively training backpropagation neural networks. Proceedings of the Intern. Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, ICANN'94, Sorrento, 1994.
    • Axel Röbel: Dynamic pattern selection for faster learning and improved generalization of neural networks. Proceedings of the European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, ESANN'94, Brüssels, 1994.
    • Axel Röbel: The Dynamic Pattern Selection Algorithm: Effective Training and Controlled Generalization of Backpropagation Neural Networks. Technical Report 93-23, Technical University of Berlin, 1993.


    • Axel Röbel: Neuronale Modelle nichtlinearer dynamischer Systeme mit Anwendung auf Musiksignale (Neural Models of nonlinear dynamical systems and their application to musical signals). Dissertation, Technische Universität Berlin, 1993.
    • Axel Röbel: Beschreibung von Musiksignalen basierend auf der Theorie nichtlinearer Systeme. Diplomarbeit, Institut für Allgemeine Nachrichtentechnik, Universität Hannover, 1990.


    • B. Feiten, F. Hein, A. Röbel und W. Schaller, (Herausgeber): Impulse und Antworten Festschrift für Manfred Krause, Wissenschaft und Technik Verlag, Berlin, 1999.
    • A. Röbel: Synthese konkreter Klänge mit Hilfe dynamischer Modelle von Klangattraktoren, In "50 Jahre musique concrete", Pfau Verlag, 1999.